Section: New Results

Correct and efficient implementation of polychronous formalisms

Participants : Thomas Carle, Manel Djemal, Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Robert de Simone, Yves Sorel.

We extended our work on extending the AAA methodology for polychronous processes, by providing a better integration of clock analysis in the various phases of the implementation process (allocation, scheduling, pipelining, etc.). We also considered a wider range of implementation targets (time-triggered, MPSoC) and non-functional constraints (partitioning).

Time-Triggered Platform targets

Our first result this year concerns the automatic scheduling and code generation for time-triggered platforms. We extended our previous results in two significant ways. First, we designed a novel approach for specification of real-time features of time-triggered systems, with deadlines longer than periods; this allows a faithful representation of complex end-to-end flow requirements. Second, we provided new algorithms for off-line pipelined scheduling of these specifications onto partitioned time-triggered architectures à la ARINC 653; allocation of time slots/windows to partitions can be either complete or partially provided, or synthesized by our tool. Automatic allocation and scheduling onto multi-processor (distributed) systems with a global time base becomes feasible, taking into account communication costs. For single processors, we allow the generation of fully compliant ARINC653/APEX implementation code.

This work was mainly carried out inside the FUI Parsec (which funds the PhD thesis of T. Carle) and P projects, as well as a collaboration with ASTRIUM Space Transportation. First results are presented in a technical report, submitted for publication [39] .

Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MP-SoC) targets

Our second contribution concerns the automatic allocation and real-time scheduling over MPSoC (multi-processor on chip) architectures with NoC (network-on-chip) interconnect. One must take into account the specific 2D mesh network-on-chip topology, and synthesize the NoC routing patterns. This work provides operational execution support for the contributions described in 6.9 .

The LoPhT tool

Our recent work on extending the AAA methodology with better handling of execution conditions, with pipelining and pipelined scheduling, and with specific real-time scheduling and code generation techniques for time-triggered/partitioned and MPSoC platforms resulted in the development of a new scheduling and code generation toolbox, called LoPhT (for Logical to Physical Time Compiler).